🪓 Valheim Mods

Mod pack containing various core gameplay changes to enhance the gameplay experience for the sandbox exploration and survival game Valheim.

Built with: C#, ILSpy (.NET Decompiler), Harmony (Runtime Patch Library)

#️⃣ #define - My Personal Notes Site

My dev notes site where I collect detailed notes on the technologies I’ve learned over the years.

Built with: HTML, CSS, Hugo Templating using Go

🎨 comtemplate-hugo-theme

An aesthetically minimal theme for the Hugo framework, to collect my thoughts, experiences, and learnings. Complete with tags & pagination.

Built with: HTML, CSS, Hugo Templating using Go

✅ hashme-cli

A simple command-line utility to generate hashes and verify if your files have been tampered with.

Built with: Python argparse library

📓 cachemeifyoucan!

Simple link shortener with powerful and efficient webpage archive redirection. Shortened links that redirects to the original. If the original is down, a cached version of the webpage is displayed.

Built with: Flask, Redis

🔗 cachemeifyoucan! : ReST API

ReST API for cachemeifyoucan! to use with custom frontend.

Built with: FastAPI, Redis

🦆 Ducky: The Discord Bot

A custom discord bot that can fetch all kinds of stuff from reddit, memes to cute cat pics. Complete with scheduled posting, NSFW filters, and minigames.

Built with: discord.py, PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper)

🖼️ Image Classifier w/ Tensorflow

A generic image classification program that uses Google’s Machine Learning library Tensorflow and a pre-trained Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network model like MobileNet or Inception.

Built with: Python, Tensorflow